Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hillier promises to toe the line ...

So says he.

I'll reserve judgement until October. That is the point. First, before you can accomplish anything.... the team has to get elected.

Take a look at the You Tube link I gave in the last Randy post. 23 seconds..... 23 seconds to completely blow the campaign that cost countless thousands of hours and millions of $. The man has provided some wonderful sound bites in the past... I have no reason to believe that will stop. Just wait until the mud starts slinging in the campaign... George will be throwing the cow patties left, right and center... how in the world will Randy resist the urge... and give him exactly what they want... "they" being the Libs ... and who could blame them ... the media.

You can be sure ...he'll be making headlines in Toronto ... in fact, he is today. Already. Yikes.

While Hillier vowed to "continue to protest against injustice" if elected, the long-time maverick promised to toe the party line and "be in harmony" with the Tories.

Ya, Right.

Good luck, John.

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