Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A wrinkle in Lenny's plan ?
The EPR claimed responsibility for a July attack on a major gas pipeline from Mexico City to Guadalajara in western Mexico that forced at least a dozen major companies, including Hershey to suspend or scale back operations.
I wonder .... maybe they are getting cold feet ??
Kirk Saville, senior director with Hershey corporate communications, said it is expected the plant will "operate through 2008"
Previous announcements from the company have stated operations were to cease in 2008.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
With a price tag like that ...
Hershey Foods Corp.'s chocolate factory in Smiths Falls is for sale.
The 472,000-square-foot manufacturing and distribution facility is listing with CB Richard Ellis, and is being offered for $14.80 per square foot for a price tag of $6.9 million.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Speaking of fishin' ....
Spent last weekend in beautiful Prince Edward County goin' after the big lads. A successful start Friday night ... 3 small mouth bass in the 4 lb range, forgot the camera ... dammit.
Anyhow ... my BIL and I spent a great Saturday after the salmon and brought three in ... not huge by salmon standards but a great catch. Fire up the smoker !

Caught about 11 miles south of Salmon Point.

An early start to the fishin' ...
The court was told that on the night of May 10, 2007 conservation officers from the Pembroke office of the Ministry of Natural Resources encountered the men outside their camp in North Frontenac Township, southwest of the village of Calabogie.
The walleye season in that area did not open until May 12, 2007. The 17 walleye and various pieces of fishing equipment seized when charges were laid have been forfeited to the Crown.
If only they had a band card .... then it's ok to fish off season. Because ....
Anglers are reminded to observe the fishing seasons. In most cases these seasons are designed to protect spawning fish when they are very susceptible to angling.
"An important step in history here today"
"This has the potential to be a tremendous benefit for all municipalities involved."
I agree.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Can somebody let Parks Canada know ..
Seems they can't figure it out.
I happened to be stuck in the ensuing chaos on Hwy 15 S after they did this on Saturday .... praying hard emergency service vehicles didn't need to get through.
Back in the fold ...

Friday, July 6, 2007
Commuter rail gathering steam !!
"This government is in the transit business," said Mr. Watson, who is also the province's health promotion minister.
"We're excited about the vision, and now we want to see the details. We're anxious to see a shovel in the ground."
Show us the money, Dolt .. and let's get this going.
On Thursday, Mr. O'Brien met with Smiths Falls Mayor Dennis Staples and Casselman Mayor Conrad Lamadeleine to discuss the issue. Mr. Staples and Mr. Lamadeleine estimated that between 5,000 and 8,000 people commute from each of their towns to Ottawa to work each day.
Following the meeting, Mr. Patton said it's clear there's a great deal of support for establishing the network, and that the municipalities need to act as a group.
Mr. Patton said the mayor sees the network as a true economic generator for the area, and that if political will for the network can be mustered at all levels of government, it wouldn't take too much work to get it running.
He said this is because rail lines already connect the towns with the city, stations are already built, no major studies need to be done and the cost of the network could be quite reasonable.
Monday, July 2, 2007
What's the native issue all about ?
Take as an example the Algonquin claim to ownership of pretty much all of Eastern Ontario, including Parliament Hill. It rests on the idea that the ancestors of today's Algonquins once roamed through this territory, although there was no concept of land ownership in the European sense.
The Eastern Ontario Algonquins know there isn't much good Crown land left in this part of the province. They will be perfectly happy to compromise and accept cash. And who are these Algonquins seeking fairness and justice? They are a group of about 5,500 people. Perhaps 10,000 will ultimately be identified. To qualify, one can have as little as one-eighth Algonquin blood.
Toronto lawyer Bob Potts, who represents the "Algonquins," says any money they receive will help to "maintain their Algonquin-ness." One might debate how much Algonquin-ness a person with one native ancestor three generations back has.
....we're paying to settle land ownership claims for people who didn't own land. If the key concept is taking aboriginal land without compensation, we should remember that the home territory of various bands fluctuated, depending on the aggressive tendencies of other Indian groups. When will we have a commission to investigate the inequity of the Iroquois taking land that once belonged to the Hurons and compensate the distant descendants of those Huron people?
Congratulations to the approximately 550,000 native people who live off reserve, just like ordinary people. They've realized it's the 21st century, not the 18th. Maybe they can spread the word.
Canada Day turns tragic ...
The Ontario Provincial Police say a 17 month old Smiths Falls girl is dead after being mauled by a dog last night.
Police say the youngster was apparently attacked after she approached the family dog, a 10 year old Rottweiler-German Shepherd mix who was chained in the family's back yard. Her parents rushed her to the Smiths Falls Hospital, and she was later airlifted to C.H.E.O in Ottawa, but she died of her injuries late last night.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Happy Canada Day !

The annual Canada Day flotilla today .... an event on our lake that has grown to 25 boats in three years.... loads of fun !

Even the spectators get in on the action !
Now ... we won "best boat" last year, so the pressure was on to "retain the crown".... this years entry.

Did we win ??? Shit, no .... outdone by "little Miss Canada" .... BITCH !!! ;-)

Next year, I'm gonna have bikinis !
.... and Stompin' Tom.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
This man ....

...was born in Belfast in 1789. Somewhere around 1805 made his way to Glasgow. There he married and had the first of four children. In April 1820, driven by poverty and a bleak future, he and his young family took a very bold step and decided to make their way to the "new country". They boarded the good ship Commerce and a fortnight later landed at the Port of Prescott.
From there, they made their way up a newly formed trail to the wilderness of Northern Lanark County. For his efforts and loyalty, he received 50 acres of scrub bush from HMTK George V to build a new life. In the ensuing years he managed to acquire 500 acres from other settlers from the Lanarkshire area who "gave up" and went to greener pastures (namely the US & western provinces). So successful was he that the road leading into said property bears his surname.
Now, given that this man is my 3rd great-grandfather ....I'm wondering why I'm not considered native. There was nothing on this granted land ... nothing for miles around. Native sightings in the area were very rare. We know this as encounters with the "red man" were well documented, as the "society settlers" were deathly afraid of them after hearing stories of atrocities committed against settlers in the American mid-west.
With this in mind, I'm staking my own claim. Right here .... right now.
I even have the paperwork to support my claim. I hold the land grant which states that the land was to remain with "his heirs and successors forever". Given that I am his only male successor still breathing, I figure it's mine. And I want it back. I don't care what has happened in the ensuing two centuries with this property.... My family had a deal with the Crown... somebody screwed me.
Sounds ridiculous, right ??
So does this.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Impaired drivers making their mark
A provincial police vehicle was struck by an impaired driver's vehicle Thursday.
The unmarked Tactics and Rescue Unit vehicle was stopped at the Odessa off-ramp from Highway 401 when it was rear-ended by a Chrysler Neon exiting the highway.
The driver was charged with impaired driving, careless driving, driving with open liquor and having liquor readily available. No one was injured.
A 29-year-old Newburgh man faces impaired driving charges after a pickup truck smashed into a house in Stone Mills Township early yesterday.
Napanee OPP said the red 2004 Ford F150 pick-up hit a ditch, then a fence and then a wood pile before slamming into the house on Lake Road around 2:20 a.m.
The driver was arrested at the scene. Nobody was hurt.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
A controversy of Olympic proportions
"If Israel will not speak out, it will be very hard to answer the question, why, when people were being killed by Nazis, the world did not speak about it"
So says Ottawa's Rabbi Dr. Reuven Bulka in an interview with Irish media.
He said that the issue of organ harvesting in China from live Falun Gong practitioners is "the most important problem today."
China's organ transplant website clearly labels the price for its wares: one liver costs between $98,000 to $130,000; while one kidney is sold at $62,000; $130,000 to $150,000 for a heart and $30,000 for a cornea.
Is cheap manufactured goods reason enough to keep trading with this barbaric bunch ?
I think not.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
From poop to power
Novel here but common in their Swiss homeland, the Klaesis' system is one of Ontario's first manure digesters generating electricity to the grid through the net metering program ... and that's after they've turned on two homesteads and their farm buildings.
Their anaerobic digester generates 750 kilowatt hours of electricity daily, enough to power 30 homes. The brothers' hydro bill has shrunk from $2,500 to $30 per month, which is the service fee Hydro One invoices whether electricity is used or not.
".....encountered regulatory roadblocks and wonders why, considering that in Europe thousands of digesters are routinely installed and are looked upon as a sound farm practice."
Manure digesters ... garbage gasification ... more use of wind energy. Maybe those coal plants could have been shut down ....
Yet another failure for Dolt and crew.
"Hot Chocolate"
An alert principal intercepted 1,500 Hershey Peanut Butter Cups potentially contaminated by salmonella which flooded a Hamilton high school Tuesday.
The bars -- identified as Hershey products recalled in November and believed stolen from a recycler -- were brought to Mountain Secondary School by students who found them in a dumpster behind a closed variety store nearby.
"We saw one student with a peanut butter cup, then another and another and then one fellow with a box of six," McCulloch said, adding the student told her others had found them in a dumpster. "I realized everyone coming down the hall had them."McCulloch, who likes chocolate herself, got on the school's PA system and told Mountain's 325 students to bring the bars to her office. In minutes students turned in 1,500 bars. Some students had eaten theirs but there have been no reports of illness.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Taking a bite ....
Close call for a Kingston copper.
Weir is said to have grabbed the woman by the back of the neck with his left hand to restrain her against the wall and put his right hand on the wall. His arm was close to the woman's head.
Police said the woman then swung her head and bit into Weir's forearm. He pulled the arm away. The bite didn't break the skin, but left a red mark.
"The accused is HIV positive and is fully aware of her illness," police said in a statement.
Help wanted ...
France's version of CNN highlights the economic boom in Alberta .... I had no idea it was this bad in Fort McMoney ....
To fill job vacancies, Canada is now looking to boost the number of temporary worker permits issued for Alberta's booming oil sands industry, and is aggressively recruiting foreign workers in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. park their own mobile homes in a dirt field -- about 865 US dollars monthly.
....the campground is a bargain compared to the cost of renting an apartment in Fort McMurray, which, according to Canada Mortgage and Housing, boasts the highest average rental costs in the country -- up to 3,500 US dollars per month.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Nice legs !!!

Great legs ... and an impressive wingspan too ...

Shooting "on location" in Smiths Falls ...
Town police arrested four people Thursday on drug trafficking charges in connection with a tip about drug dealing at the Victoria Park Campground.
Officers were alerted in early June about alleged drug trafficking at a trailer on the site, police said.
Police searched the trailer around 10 p.m. and found 240 grams of marijuana, said Sergeant Frank Westerlaken.
They also seized $2,000 in cash, the house trailer and a car, he said.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
But ... What
Steve Sullivan, 36, has been hired on a three-year term as the first federal ombudsman for victims of crime.
For starters ... I'd like to see a whole lot less customers.
That means locking up habitual offenders for good. Like this guy. Or this one. 85 ... yep .... 85 convictions. The latest being a 13 year old boy.
What does it take ... will we finally give up on this sack 'o' crap at 100 ???
A Father's Day tradition
My advice: go for breakfast... it gets really busy later on.
Still on his radar ...
"It is quite clear that Mr. McGuinty neither understands nor respects small business," said Tory. "His government steadily adds to their tax and regulatory burden."
Tory also pointed to 140,000 manufacturing job losses across the province since 2005, citing layoffs at local industries including the Hershey plant in Smiths Falls.
Tory blasted the Liberals for years of tax increases, calling for the elimination of "the unfair, regressive health tax," which he labelled the biggest single tax hike in the history of the province.I'm hearing through the proverbial grapevine that "our guardian angels" surplused 30 more positions last week out at Rideau Regional Center last week.
No word on how the local economy is supposed to replace the "million $$ plus" annually in lost wages, from that hit alone.
There has got to be more to this story ...
According to witnesses, a black Ford Taurus pulled over for another vehicle, which was described as resembling a police cruiser.
"I think... they thought was a police car," one witness said. "And when they pulled over, a big black guy got out of the passenger side - he had long dread hair - he told him [the driver] to get out of the car, he shot him in the stomach and they took off with their car, which was a black Taurus."
Let me get this straight ...
If you happen to be a mentally ill comedian ... and "criminally harass" your wife ... well ... you spend TWO YEARS in jail (ie: not in hospital receiving treatment) awaiting trial.
Seems like the justice system fails everyone that comes into contact with it ... except those who make their living from it, I guess.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Because every Ontarian needs to know this
"A Madoc man who attacked a four-week-old girl, crushing eight of the infant's ribs and breaking an arm and a leg was sentenced to 18 months in community custody earlier this week.
That's thug-hugger justice for ya .... Beat a baby senseless and you don't even get provincial jail time.
Should be national news but is found only in the Belleville media .... brought to you via Halls of Macadamia.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
An event better suited ...
Queen's biology brings out the dead; Anatomy museum bares all at open house
The Museum of Human Anatomy has more than 1,000 specimens, including everything from full skeletons to organs and limbs, all carefully preserved and displayed with note cards labelling the various muscles and bones.
The museum is set up to acclimatize people, with lower limbs at the front of the room and more sensitive specimens - such as human faces - farther back. Pang said the hands and faces are generally the most unnerving sight for first-time visitors to the museum.
How much are taxpayers ...
The traditional excuses for dropped or interrupted cellphone calls - atmospheric disturbances, high humidity and heavy vegetation - might not be entirely accurate, a Queen's University professor suggests.
Mathematics and statistics Prof. David Thomson says that solar activity is to blame.
Until researchers better understand how solar energy's effects work, he said, there's not much anyone can do to prevent the dropped calls.
I'd love to hear what he plans to do about it. Quick...
....somebody get this guy a real job.
The Sudbury moonscape ...
For me, it seems that soooo much of the environmental movement is completely contradictory.
For example: We are encouraged to recycle advertising flyers ... but to me the process (read: chemicals) of removing the ink from the paper to be re-used seems to be much more detrimental to the environment than planting a few extra CO2 digesting trees.
Here is one I never saw coming:
When you pool together all the combined energy it takes to drive and build a Toyota Prius, the flagship car of energy fanatics, it takes almost 50 percent more energy than a Hummer - the Prius’s arch nemesis.
You think that's bad ... the article draws attention to the damage DONE to Sudbury and area ...
...the Prius is partly driven by a battery which contains nickel. The nickel is mined and smelted at a plant in Sudbury, Ontario. This plant has caused so much environmental damage to the surrounding environment that NASA has used the ‘dead zone’ around the plant to test moon rovers.
If you need proof .... check out the Google satellite image. Then check out the close up of the mine ...
Monday, June 11, 2007
Think the gangs in TO are bad ?
In the past year, 30 Chicago public school children have been killed on the streets, largely because of gang warfare.
The mindset:
They introduced me to members of the Vice Lords, a well-established gang that had recently been disrespected by another gang. Someone had smashed-out the window of their car.
"We were ready to kill someone," said Rio.
"You're gonna shoot a kid cause he kicks out your window?" I asked.
"I ain't gonna say necessarily kill him," answered Jim, another Vice Lord, "But you gonna mess somebody up."
I asked: "What do you get out of it if he's dead?"
"Relief," Jim answered. "No one else will kick out the windows thinking they're gonna get away with it.
I'm glad I live in Hicksville .... Neo is too. He got.... while the gettin' was good.
"Now, I won't presume to speak for anyone else in Hastings & Prince Edward County... but in my neighbourhood, there is absolutely no evidence of an epidemic of Mongol-like hordes of disaffected youth running around shooting their peers."
I'm sure every schoolchild in the Ottawa Valley
Come September .... it's gone. Guess it will have to be a day trip this summer with the kiddies.
Storyland, an Ottawa Valley family theme park, has announced that 2007 will be its final season.
In addition to continuing to attract first-time visitors, Storyland is looking forward to welcoming back and sharing stories with many of its enthusiastic alumni.
Mr. Berkhout said, "For many, many people, Storyland is much more than a place to visit. It is a feeling of childhood that lives in their family photo albums, memories and dreams."
Word to the wise ...
Don't speed.
It's amazing how many they catch that way.
21st century child
I ate those words.
A search revealed none other than 2 hits .... for her. School accomplishments.
Smiths Falls light rail ...
Most importantly, it involves working with VIA Rail to use existing rail lines to begin commuter services from points as far away as Smiths Falls in the west and Alexandria in the east within the next three years.
A very important question ...
The cooperation of the passenger rail service is critical to the recommendations contained in last week's report. Mr. Collenette confirmed VIA has already said it is "open" to sitting down with the City of Ottawa. Why wasn't VIA engaged in the dialogue for the old light rail plan?
I'm back !
This year ... it's gonna be worse.
Why ?
The answer is ..... 50 bucks worth of copper.
".... the thefts may come at a high cost because thieves are putting the public at risk by removing the copper.
"The money [lost] is one thing, but the real issue here we're trying to address is that this is leaving transformer and distribution stations unsafe and it could actually impact the liability of stations if equipment fails because the grounds aren't there," he said. "
Thursday, June 7, 2007
"Commuter rail lifeline"
"We're working aggressively to find replacement opportunities for the Hershey situation and Rideau Regional," said Smiths Falls Mayor Dennis Staples. "But given the fact that we will have people affected by job loss, and the opportunity for employment in the nation's capital, the opportunity for commuter rail travel makes it much more affordable and attractive for those individuals who want to stay in Smiths Falls and work in Ottawa."
He's already (Staples) had extensive discussions with Ottawa Mayor Larry O'Brien and task force chair David Collenette, and recently met with VIA Rail president Paul Cote to discuss using the stretch of track between Smiths Falls and Barrhaven, a commute of less than 30 minutes.
See ... Mayor Staples has been working hard on this .... but you wouldn't know it from The Record News..... but half a sentence they have devoted to the topic. Oh, and one letter to the editor that shares my view that this is the best hope we have. You need only look to Kemptville and Carleton Place to see what an efficent transportation link can do.
Now ... if we could get somebody from Montague to push for a stop at Boundary Road to serve a big subdivision out there .... full of Mounties. Big, expensive houses.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
A common sense light rail plan
In the City of Ottawa ....
Don't you dare do this though .... you WILL be arrested.
"The fact was, the field wasn't going to get any better by staring at it."
Get the lead out ....
Of the 20 homes tested in Smiths Falls, eight had lead levels above 0.010 parts per million, the level the province considers safe.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Population explosion

Three years ago, a pair of geese took up residence on "my lake".

Has Jerry Springer ....
Put this one in the Jerry Springer file.
Provincial police have arrested a Sharbot Lake woman over a series of bizarre incidents that occurred between May 25 and 27.
The story begins when a man the woman had dated about three times decided it was time the two saw other people. That didn't sit well with the spurned woman, who started driving by the man's home relentlessly.
At one point, police said, one of the duo threw a beer bottle at the group of three, but missed. Instead, the bottle hit a security guard and sent him to hospital.
The next night in Belleville, the two followed the man to a club. One tossed a beer bottle and another kneed a woman in the face, sending her to hospital with a broken nose, police said.
The women then followed the man to Arden where they allegedly vandalized a pick-up truck to the tune of $4,000 worth of damages.
Elecshun time in the hundred acre wood
"Hmmmm," thought McGuinty The Pooh to himself. "I am a Premier of Very Little Brain,"
I wonder just how many he will catch in the trap ?
Fathers day is coming ...
"To help stamp out carpal tunnel syndrome, new mouse pads have been devised to assist men in their computer operations."
h/t to another wonder woman.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Don't worry ...
cuz according to the defence ....
"there’s no evidence supporting the view that McCallum is a sexual sadist"
That's what the defence qua.. errr .. I mean... shrink contends.
You be the judge.... Is this sadism ?
McCallum’s first victim, when he was 19, was a 15-year-old girl he raped after beating her to the point that two of her teeth were punched out and her cheekbone and nose were fractured. Satterberg said McCallum denies finding violence sexually exciting, however.
He also suggested there were other factors that caused him to become sexually excited on that occasion.
“I believe she became naked at some point,” he told the court, and “he thought he was teaching her a lesson.”
Ahhh ... the old "blame the victim" defence... I thought these guys weren't allowed to use that one anymore ??
He also disputed Richardson’s suggestion that McCallum’s second victim, a 55-year-old grandmother and cancer survivor, was subjected to gratuitous violence and rejected the Crown’s characterization of her rape as “brutal.”
Emergency services found the woman afterward with blood running down her legs and she required surgery to repair a laceration to her vagina.
Richardson then asked him about McCallum’s third victim, a 47-year-old woman with cerebral palsy who was attacked by McCallum just two months after the 55-year-old.
She was ambushed at 2 a.m., returning from the laundry room of her apartment building.
Her clothes were literally torn off. She was suffocated with a pillow, then gagged with the pillow case and sodomized.
Satterberg disputed Richardson’s contention – and Dr. Bradford’s – that the suffocation and sodomy both pointed to sexual sadism.
He suggested that the anal sex might simply reflect the behaviour of a former convict or, given that McCallum doesn’t have a pattern of forcing anal intercourse, it could have been accidental.
Too bad we don't have a three strikes law.
Occupational hazard of the gross kind
"A provincial law that could force people who spit at or spatter their bodily fluids on others to submit to blood tests will apply to all federal and provincial prison guards, says a spokeswoman for Community Safety and Correctional Services Minister Monte Kwinter."
Kwinter has previously specifically named police officers, emergency first responders and victims of crime as the people who will benefit from the law and has not spoken publicly about correctional officers.
A nice gesture ... but rather useless, i'll get to why later.
A close family member had an experience with this, after being exposed to an infected individual following an altercation. Infected ... but he had no idea with what.... and the "perp" wasn't talking.
So this leaves two choices :
1. Risk contracting god knows what ... worst case being HIV/AIDS.
2. Taking a regimen of pharmaceuticals not-so-affectionately known as the AIDS cocktail, with side effects similar to those suffered following chemotherapy. For a month.
What would you choose ?
My family member chose the cocktail and suffered greatly for it.
Back to the article .. I said that the law was basically useless ... wanna know why ?
Because the treatment needs to be delivered soon after the transmission of body fluids to be effective ... preferably within the hour.
HIV test results aren't delivered that fast .... so the catch 22 decision for the lucky recipient of the goo still has to be made.
What do the "thug-huggers" think of the new law ?
Craig Jones, acting executive director of the John Howard Society of Canada, said prison guard work is inherently dangerous and those who can't handle the stress of it shouldn't do it.
Jones suggested that the risk of contracting a communicable disease is one of the dangers of the job and said forcing inmates to take blood tests is punitive and constitutes harassment.
Would you expect anything less ?
In case you are wondering ... my family member made out ok and is infection free long after the one year danger period.
The perp ..... he's dead, but not from his HEP-C infection ... from his crack habit.
Good riddance.
Smiths Falls Montague Fly-in Breakfast

click to enlarge
Vital stats on the Hurricane ... according to Military Factory
Series Designation: Hawker Hurricane
Classification Type: Fighter / Ground Attack
AircraftContractor: Hawker Industries - UK
Country of Origin: Britain
Initial Year of Service: 1937
Crew / Accommodations: 1
Production Totals: 14231
Available Armament/ Munitions:8 x 7.7mm machine guns
Model-specific armaments also included: 2 x 500lb bombs, 6 x air-to-surface rockets, 12 x 7.7mm machine guns, 4 x 20mm cannons, 2 x 40mm cannons
Wing Span: 40 ft (12.19 m)
Overall Length: 31.4 ft (9.57 m)
Overall Height: 13 ft (4 m)
Overall Empty Weight: 4,982 lbs (2,260 kg)
Maximum Take-Off Weight: 6,447 lbs (2,924 kg)
Powerplant: 1 x Rolls-Royce Merlin III 12-cylinder liquid-cooled engine generating 1,030hp.
Maximum Speed: 318 mph (511 km/h)
Maximum Range: 460 miles (740 km)
Service Ceiling: 36,000 ft (10,970 m)
Rate of Climb: 2,520 ft/min (770 m/min)
Friday, June 1, 2007
In Grade 12 economics ....
Sadly, our federal finance minister Jim Flaherty missed that lesson.
When I first saw the headline ...
Red hot dollar could be boon to Ontario; Could buoy sagging fortunes of province's manufacturers: Flaherty
my jaw dropped .... then I thought ... maybe there is an angle I hadn't thought of. Unfortunately by the time I was done reading .... ummm, well ... infuriated... comes to mind. At a Conservative fund raiser yesterday Mr. Flaherty said:
That (the rising dollar) means increasing purchasing power for the nation's manufacturers, who will be able to acquire more advanced technology and keep pace with emerging markets in countries like China and Brazil, said Flaherty.
"What we're seeing is a strength and a resilience among our manufacturers."
Strength and resilience ??? Does this guy read the local section of the Citizen ?? Did he somehow miss Chesterville's Nestle plant, Domtar AND Hershey ?? Did he miss the several thousand union demonstrators on Parliament Hill yesterday ... all of them worried sick about losing their jobs ??
"If you want to work in Canada today, there's lots of work," he(Mr. Flaherty) said.
Now when I hear that ... it says to me ... "If there is no work where you live ... move to Alberta." Some plan.
On the devastating impact an almost par dollar will have on American tourism to Canada ...
"What we need to do in Canada is to offer a quality tourism experience for people so they want to visit," he said.
To illustrate how utterly stupid this statement is ... I'm gonna tell you about a good friend of mine. He is from central PA, a hard working construction man who looks forward to nothing more that coming to this neck of the woods and taking in 2 weeks of fishing and friends. Cost for accommodations for 2 weeks, beer, food and other necessities .. $1500 CAD. So ... total cost to him 5 years ago in USD .. $1050 .. this year $1450. He doesn't want or need anymore of a "quality tourism experience" ...we already had it for him... he just can't afford it anymore. On the local front, given that we are losing the top tourist draw to the Town .. I'm wondering if Mr. Flaherty has any advise on how we can build on that ... and offer that elusive "quality tourism experience" .. at close to 50 % more expensive than it was just a few short years ago.
The biggest slap in the face ... is where this speech was given ... in Chesterville. Yep, Chesterville .... former home of Nestle the water tower says .... with Cornwall and Domtar to the south east and Hershey and Smiths Falls to the west... you know ... those bastions of "strength and resilience" in the manufacturing sector ... by my count close to 2000 manufacturing jobs gone between these three communities alone.
RELATED: Forbes take today on the impact of the rising loonie ... with some basic math that maybe, just maybe, Mr. Flaherty can understand ...
Canada's manufacturing sector used to enjoy that the struggling currency made their goods less expensive in the U.S. and internationally. Now their return on investment is lower due to a less favorable currency conversion, and analysts predict some manufacturers could eventually be priced out of global markets.
"Contracts they put in place early in the year that they thought were worth a million dollars are now worth 10 percent less, so when they get paid, they're going to be paid a lot less than they contracted for," said Jayson Myers, senior vice president and chief economist at the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters.
"We've developed two economies in Canada," Myers said. "In Western Canada, you've got a booming oil and gas sector and a booming economy because of the dollar, but in Ontario and eastern Canada, it's really suffering because of weak economic activity due to the rising dollar."So much for "strength and resilience", huh ?
Some days ...
....And it'll be tough to beat today. First off, I started early this morning .... so i'm home free for the weekend now. Since I was up at sunrise, I had the opportunity to see this ...

Then ... I came here

And then in my inbox I read that my pension date with no penalty is seven years sooner than it was yesterday.
I think that calls for a pint (or two) ...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
For the locals ..
Next Thursday Montague Public School is holding its annual community BBQ and open house from 1730-1930 hrs. All are welcome, come and vote for the winning submissions for the Rideau 175 commemorative calender.
When we bought our house
For the teen in your life ...
A high school credit and results like this .... sounds too good to be true. From the parents comment page ...
What matters is how she feels about herself and her responsibilities
Our son never worked so hard, felt so tired or had so much fun. That is a lightbulb moment in itself, that hard work and fun can go together. He seems to be more grounded since he came home, more engaging and less self absorbed.
The moment I say my son I knew there was some significant improvement in his attitude. He seemed more empowered and respectful, not just to me but to himself. He is more thoughtful and open to communication from others. Your efforts over the last 13 days has given us a bridge from which we can again strive to build a lasting foundation of communication and an awareness of each other.
She arrived home a much more positive and independent person.
Your staff know how to treat kids. They instill a strong sense of respect and responsibility – all while having fun.
I love the re-occurring theme here .... if you are not convinced yet ... this has got to be worth the tuition all by itself ...
Since my son returned from Boundless High School I never have to ask him to do dishes anymore!!
Barking up the wrong tree
According to the OEEDC, the auto sector is growing. In the spring of 2005, Ontario surpassed Michigan as the leading auto manufacturing jurisdiction.
That may be so .... likely thanks to ol'Dolt handing our tax dollars to the new Toyota plant in Woodstock ... no such luck in these parts.
The factory will cost $800 million to build, with the federal and provincial governments kicking in $125 million of that to help cover research, training and infrastructure costs.
I have to ask though ... if the OEEDC is relying on geography and transportation links to lure auto manufacturers here ... then why would GM close a drivetrain factory in Massena, NY ???
Sounds like another useless, make work project/study to me.... a waste of time and money.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Can you get high ...
When you are as inventive as this guy ... in a word, yes.
A Sharbot Lake area man who tampered with three canisters of baby formula in February, replacing their contents with flour so he could get a refund of about $60 from Kingston's Wal-Mart store to buy drugs, has been sentenced to about seven-and-a-half- months in jail.
When Badour initially entered his pleas, Masse was told that Badour purchased three cans of Nestle baby formula at the Midland Avenue Wal-Mart on Feb. 15. When he got them home, he peeled off the labels, cut a small flap in each of the canisters and poured the contents out into plastic storage containers. He then refilled the canisters with flour, stuck the labels back on, and three days later, returned what appeared to be pristine cans of baby formula to the store for a full refund.
Ahhh ... he feels bad.
Smith also told Masse that his client is himself the father of a six-month-old child and that his client empathizes with the parents who innocently bought his bogus baby food. He's not without insight, Smith assured the judge. "He very much wishes that he could turn the clock back. He can't."
Maybe he had never heard of gluten allergies ?? This could have ended tragically.
Mitigating factors ? Ya one, maybe ... but pretty weak.
Immediately after he secured the cash, Smith said Badour told him he called the store and tried to anonymously alert them to the tampering. "Unfortunately, that information did not get through to the right people," the defence lawyer said.
I say weak ... because according to this story .. the crook lied to the cops after turning himself in.
Badour turned himself in on March 20 after learning that police wanted to talk to him, and Griffith said he gave them a statement. Masse was told that Badour assured investigators this was the only time he'd ever tampered with baby food and, according to Griffith, he said he'd done it because "he needed the money to feed his baby." Griffith noted, however, that at the same time Badour purchased the formula, he also bought an $8 BB gun.
Come sentencing though ... the real truth comes out.
Speaking on Badour's behalf, Smith told the court his client has "admitted quite candidly," that when he tampered with the baby formula, "he needed money for his own selfish purposes, to support a drug habit."
Sooo ... just what kind of sentence do you get for endangering the lives of babies ... and these unrelated offences??
"...unrelated charges from 2006 of stealing $2,500 worth of chainsaws, possession of stolen ginseng from a break-in at a Sharbot Lake home."
Masse gave Badour double credit for those 70 days before sentencing him to a further 225 days in provincial jail.
225 more days ... minus 2/3 of the sentence if he is a good boy. What's that work out to ??
75 more days in the can ... so around 145 total.... in rehab.
"Badour told Masse he was sorry and asked the judge to recommend he serve his time where he can get drug treatment. Masse agreed to make that recommendation "
It took quite a bit of digging to get to the real story here ... one or two articles just didn't answer all my questions.. in fact, I still have some.
1. Cocaine or heroin ... which one is he hooked on ?
2. Does Wal-Mart still accept returns on baby formula ?
Oh ya, one more thing ...
The fate of the third can remains a mystery.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Details are sketchy ....
The ongoing issue of surface mining and prospecting on private property in Lanark County was moved forward by Lanark County Council last week. Councilors passed a resolution that seeks to improve the rights of property owners. Tay Valley Deputy Reeve, Susan Freeman, who represents the county at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, has been working with AMO policy advisors to develop the resolution and plans to take it to AMO next month, as well as seek support from other municipalities. Lanark Highlands Mayor Bob Fletcher told councilors the issue is a concern in his township as well.
I looked through the minutes of the last council meeting .. and couldn't find any reference or further details .... a story to keep an eye on.
Make up your minds ...
Because ....
S.F. area declared underserviced by family doctors
The designated area includes Smiths Falls, Perth, the townships of Montague, Rideau Lakes, Drummond-North Elmsley, Merrickville-Wolford and Tay Valley.
Todd Stepaniuk, president and chief executive officer of the Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital, was surprised by the news when contacted by a reporter for a comment Monday afternoon.
"That's outstanding news. I was unaware of that decision," said Stepaniuk.
"It will go a long way to (support) recruiting initiatives as well as trying to stabilize our medical contingent in the area."
The designation allows the town to apply for "recruitment support components," according to the ministry letter provided to this newspaper.
Those components include a free tuition program, the community assessment visit program and participation in the ministry's annual health professionals recruitment tour.
After one year, if the community has been unsuccessful in attracting physicians, an incentive grant may be made available upon a written request.
Monday, May 28, 2007
A licence should be required
And like your drivers licence, there should be a demerit system for stupidity.
OPP traffic blitz here nails nearly 400 drivers
After speaking with one of the officers taking part in the blitz, Constable Rob Sinclair, on Monday, Barr said one of the most disturbing stops was a man clocked at 171 km/h in a minivan Friday with his wife and young child in the vehicle.
"He pleaded for a reduction of some sort," said Barr, who said his request was denied.
Despite repeated warnings from police about the importance of buckling up to avoid serious injury in a crash, Prophet said numerous people were charged for seatbelt violations.
Disturbingly, several of those not strapped in were children.
"Those kind of speeds, not ensuring that their children are buckled in is quite concerning," said Barr.
If you had to pay ...
Home could be where the Cup is
"Ottawa is the capital of Canada, a city in far eastern Ontario on the border with Quebec. Murray was born in Shawville, Quebec, a town of 1,500 about a 45-minute drive northwest of the capital, an English-speaking enclave on the Ottawa River surrounded by a French-speaking province."
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Why aren't we pissed ?
".... it's an insult to have a chocolate festival, when so many jobs are leaving."
Forget the chemicals ...
How many women and children have to become victims to these sickos before we get it ?? There is no reforming or treating violent sexual offenders ... No way to prevent more victims time after time after time again ....
.....“pharmacological castration” would be an essential component in managing serial rapist Noel Joshua McCallum’s risk if he were to be released into the community.
“I don’t think anything other than pharmacological castration would work to protect the public,” Dr. John Bradford, an internationally recognized expert in forensic psychiatry and sexual deviance, told the court.
He was initially convicted in 2000 of sexual assault causing bodily harm following the brutal rape, two years earlier, of a 55-year-old woman in a downtown Kingston alley. It was the Saskatchewan man’s fourth conviction for aggravated sexual assault and his third attack on an older woman.
At the time he committed the Kingston crime, McCallum was 34 and had only been out of prison for nine months. He had served every day of the nine-year sentence that was imposed upon him in 1988 – when he was 23 – for two brutal sexual assaults in Saskatchewan involving a 55-year-old widow and a 47-year-old woman with cerebral palsy. The crimes were committed only three months apart.
The first attack occurred two months after McCallum’s early release from penitentiary in Saskatchewan, in which he had been sentenced to 4½ years in 1984 for the rape and savage beating of a 15-year-old girl.
The pitfall of chemical castration .... it requires compliance.
McCallum “has a condition that is a lifelong condition, that is going to need lifelong followup.”
The doctor also isn’t convinced McCallum is truly motivated to accept treatment.
That’s important, Bradford suggested, because McCallum would have to consent to take the anti-androgens, hormonal agents or serotonin-reuptake inhibitors that he believes would be the most effective therapy in curbing McCallum’s sexually sadistic impulses.
Lifelong ... that's the key. This orientation (or sickness) is as much a part of these sickos as your orientation. I've said it before, but it bears repeating ...
I ain't battin' for the other team anytime soon.
Four is just about enough victims, dontchya think ?
Friday, May 25, 2007
The Battle of the Windmill
The plaque outside reads:
"After the 1837 rebellions many rebels fled to the United States where a few joined American sympathizers in a new attempt to overthrow British rule in Canada. On 12 November 1838 they landed 190 men here and seized this windmill and nearby buildings. The local people remained loyal, reporting to their militia units; in a few days 2000 militia and regulars, supported by naval vessels, besieged the mill. Although British guns did little damage to the mill, the insurgents, seeing no escape, surrendered on the 16th. Eleven were later executed and 60 exiled to Australia. "

A laptop for every child ...
Some good quotes :
"The first English word of every child in that village was 'Google'," he says. "The village has no electricity, no telephone, no television. And the children take laptops home that are connected broadband to the Internet."
When they take the laptops home, the kids often teach the whole family how to use it. Negroponte says the families loved the computers because, in a village with no electricity, it was the brightest light source in the house.
Watch the piece here...
Smiths Falls weekly news round up ...
Lawyers who can't ..... become Superior Court Justices. Both newspapers failed to tell us just who the anointed really was ... good job Clive noticed.
Rideau 175 is underway ...
Smiths Falls passes a budget ... already going in the hole.
Hershey employees get their package ... 2 weeks severance for each year of service... comparable to other plants.
Fly-in breakfast is June 3rd !! Always worthwhile.... just to see the planes. One of the largest in the area.
UCDSB meetings go online (Montague council ... are you listening ???) ... now you can watch live or at your pleasure here
A letter to the editor in the Reckless ... that outta have the author (a teacher !) in the principals office !
Do any locals know about this ?? There is an ad on pg 14 of The Record News regarding the possibility of losing an orthopedic surgeon from our hospital ... and urges people to attend the hospital board meeting.... I'm curious.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Bluesfest gets Van !!
How did that happen ?
Hope it sounds just like this .... From one of my favorite concert DVD's... The Last Waltz... The Band and the best of the rest .. Neil, Clapton, and Van the man !!! amongst others.
Disgusting pigs
"After four years of travelling across eastern Ontario doing hydro line brush cleanup, Steve Turcotte's crew is used to encountering the occasional illegal dumping site.What confronted them this week along Eligh Road in Elizabethtown-Kitley Township, however, ranks among the most disgusting."
Smart people do this.
CJOH News in town tonight
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Maybe the grass isn't so green ...
I wondered if this was band wagon jumping at it's worst ... I wondered with the sky high inflation (12.5 % in India) and the eventual "wisening up" of the workforce overseas ( demand for workers will inevitably drive labour costs up)... why are so many companies making the move ??
The Ottawa Business Journal tells of another pitfall to sending production to India or China ...
Delays in transportation, in particular, are at the root of the disadvantage, it said, especially with ports in Los Angeles, Oakland, Seattle and Tacoma set to experience "virtual gridlock" within two years.
The minimum six-week travel time, Mr. Sunstrum added, was also a concern.
"....complaints about poor service from Indian call centres and poor quality of manufactured goods from China have been coming in for a long time. In fact, the price of goods and services are going up in those countries, he said, with skills shortages starting to appear in both."
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Proving the cliche ..
The President of the Find-a-Car dealership in Kingston is finding himself in a lot of trouble with police.
But a day after RCMP executed a search warrant at the Princess Street and Portsmouth Avenue car lot in pursuit of fraud charges, Ryan O’Connor held a press conference to proclaim his innocence.
“Our investigation has not been isolated to the Kingston location,” she said, explaining that Ottawa police and the OPP are involved.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Almost better than winning the Stanley Cup ...
No one will be able to call the Senators weak-hearted chokers again. So sorry, Leaf Nation, but you'll have to find some other franchise to believe you can look down upon.
Team Tory ...
Not according to this Torstar editorial. I can't resist picking through this one ... Full of contradictions.
More than half of the 24 Conservatives at Queen's Park are Harris holdovers.
What has there been .... ummm .. but one Provincial election since Harris left office ... what else did you expect ??? The author specifically names five MP's to back up the statement that there is "Too much Harris".... and then names five notable newcomers that contradict the title of her article..
What gives ???
Of course ... the main purpose of the article....
The writers analysis of Tory's chances ...But there have been setbacks. Earlier this month, Randy Hillier, a militant rural activist who has publicly denigrated social housing, public transportation, welfare, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and environmental regulations, won the Conservative nomination in Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington, to the delight of the Liberals.
Last month, Liberal MPP Tim Peterson defected to the Conservatives, knocking a highly regarded female contender, Effie Triantafilopoulos, who quit her job as head of Save the Children Canada to run, out of contention for the nomination in Mississauga South.
Portraying himself as a "different kind of leader," as Tory has been doing, might work if Ontarians were profoundly dissatisfied with the leader they had. But there is little evidence that they are.
Accusing McGuinty of gross irresponsibility, incompetent management and lax ethical standards, as Tory has been doing, might work if the Liberals were awash in scandals. But so far, they're guilty chiefly of misjudgments and indiscretions.
Misjudgements and indiscretions ???
I guess that's what you call lying to all of us in the last election campaign and then accomplishing nothing with the the extra money ... doing diddly with a bunch of lawless thugs (and the promised blow up this summer...that's squarely in Dolt's lap) ... the OLG scandal.. citizenship grant scam ... do I need to go on ??
With an effective campaign (read: silence from LFLA) ...
I'm liking John Tory's chances come fall.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Teen pregnancy in our area.. a real shocker.
The good: Judging by the number of young mums I see on Beckwith Street ... I did not see this one coming ....
"Leeds, Grenville and Lanark have some of the lowest rates of pregnancy for 15- to 19-year-olds in the province," said Jane Futcher, the director of clinical services at the local health unit.
The mandate of the sexual health clinics in Canada was to increase access to contraception and increase knowledge about personal responsibility and lifestyles, ultimately decreasing the rate of pregnancy in 15- to 19-year-olds to 40 per 1,000 population. In Leeds and Grenville, the rate is approximately 20 in 1,000 in the same age group.
The bad: If you are a parent this outta scare the shit outta you ...
This information is necessary because some kids area already experimenting by age 12, she said.
Because there is no age of consent for seeking contraceptive devices in Ontario, students are able to get birth control without parental permission.
You mean to tell me a twelve year old can get birth control and nobody tells the parents ??? Dear god.
The really, really ugly:
Nationally, more than 33,000 young women under the age of 19 get pregnant every year and more than 18,000 opt for abortion.Eight teen thousand lives lost a year for less than a year of "inconvenience". I know so many couples who would just love to have one or two of these lost souls.
Another angle ... I've always wondered how women live with themselves ... a quick google search .. look for a credible source ... the answer is ... many don't.
An Elliot Institute study published in Aug. 2003 in the Southern Medical Journal found that women who had abortions were seven times more likely to commit suicide than women who gave birth.
Reardon said that pressure to abort, followed by grief for the loss of the child and profound regret over making a choice they didn't want to make, and feelings of isolation and abandonment by loved ones, has created a "pressure cooker situation for women" in which they feel that suicide is the only way to end their pain.
"It's a recipe for tragedy," he said. "Statistics like these should serve as a wake-up call that after 30 years of abortion on demand, abortion is harming women, not helping them." [Elliot Institute, 3/04]
I've always thought that short of death or grievous injury .... just about the worse news that I could receive from my children is that they decided to suck my grandchild into a sink. For convienience.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I've been taken behind the woodshed !
"Richard Day said... I hate to point out that, in common English usage, the apostrophe in "Einstein's" is rather out of place. Someone with a really big IQ would be unlikely to make a mistake like that!"
Now, I've never professed to have a "really big iq" ... better than your average redneck, but certainly not "really big"....
My response was that use of the written word was not my occupation.. and as such, I'm an amateur ... bound to and should be excused for making slight errors. If the commentor were to return, I'd like to ask if he can make hide or hair of the following statement ... if he can, he's more than welcome to return and criticize my English skills anytime ...
" I'm gettin' BPV's on the DS1 ... I'm thinking it's the modulator on the MDR6000, causing trouble with the 64 QAM,DQPSK signal"
I think i'm safe ... and yes, the statement makes perfect sense to me.
But this brings up another point ... feel free to comment here, even if your written English is not perfect ... I have friends who visit that refuse to comment as English is not their first language and are shy, as they do not articulate as well on paper as they do vocally. I wish they would.
I promise not to criticize you ... that is ... unless you have a masters degree, work as a manager in the government, no wait ...Library and Archives Canada, embark on a media campaign against a charitable institution and then make basic grammatical mistakes in a press release.