Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A feather in our cap

and one of the best ideas to develop Montague I've heard in a really long time.

....the Russ Beach/Smiths Falls-Montague Airport could easily increase the more than $920,000 in economic activity it generates each year. Town officials hired the firm to examine whether the airport was worth the more than $40,000 taxpayers in Smiths Falls and neighbouring Montague Township invest

"One of the first things a company looks for when deciding whether to relocate to a community is its airport services."

Doesn't this sound really cool ... imagine, pulling your Cessna into the driveway !!

In addition, the town should consider creating a residential airport park with houses constructed at or very near the current airport property.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm,,,,,sounds sort of cool, except if this plan becomes reality, we will have alot more noise and alot less country feel to our community. I am sort of picturing total build up of subdivisions along the highway, and bordering the school. I know that growth like that is good for the township economy, but it changes things in a way that will change how we live here. Kind of scary to me.

Mike said...

I know what you're saying with the noise ... Though I still look up like a kid every time I hear a plane overhead ...so I don't have much of a problem with it.

Keep in mind that this kind of development would have a certain appeal to those with $$ mucho denero $$. Big houses with big assessments. Thinking, like Michael Potter rich.