Friday, April 6, 2007

You wouldn't have to worry about such things ..

.... if you don't act like a skank.

Long waits, hassles at sex clinic
Capital xtra

It feels like a tongue twister to say what I'm there for: STI testing.

I feel like I've managed my sexual health risks well in the past, but that doesn't mean I'm not freaked out.

A month-long wait before an appointment plus three weeks waiting for results: who has the willpower to wait almost eight weeks when the urge strikes?

I'm just a little more concerned about the year it takes to get knee replacement surgery.

It highlights a simple fact: if ever there was a health service that should be administered quickly in a comfortable environment, it should be this one.

I'm thinkin' there are lots of troubles with our health care system to deal with before I worry too much about this one.

Pay for this kind of service yourself.

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