Thursday, April 19, 2007

Virginia Tech killings

Monday night/Tuesday morning following the student killings in Virginia I was listening to WBZ1030 in Boston. An older lady called in and questioned why some of the men at the college did not jump the assailant when he was re-loading his weapons.

I felt while perhaps it was asked a little too soon after the horrible event, that this was a fair question ....

My thought is the answer might be that many men just don't know how to be men any more .... Why ?

One word: Feminists

Kate has a article over at SDA that sheds some more light ...

Why didn't one of the huddled sheep attack the guy while he was reloading?

...anyone who hadn't had their spine removed by years of immersion in a non-confrontational, liberal, pansy-ass societal and school environment, would have snarled deep in their throat and leaped at the shooter.

RELATED... After I wrote this last night, I was watching CNN's coverage of the killings. The students killed were constantly being referred to as children or kids ... For God's sakes, man !! Anyone who is attending this school is supposed to be an adult. Stop referring to them as "kids". They are not. Would anyone describe the same aged people, who choose the military as opposed to university, and say expire in Iraq... would they describe them as "Children". Not likely .... but that gets right to the bottom of it.....

I guess maybe we do know where the "real men" are.

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