Friday, July 6, 2007

Commuter rail gathering steam !!

Word comes today that Ol'Dolt is interested in funding the venture ...

"This government is in the transit business," said Mr. Watson, who is also the province's health promotion minister.

"We're excited about the vision, and now we want to see the details. We're anxious to see a shovel in the ground."

Show us the money, Dolt .. and let's get this going.

On Thursday, Mr. O'Brien met with Smiths Falls Mayor Dennis Staples and Casselman Mayor Conrad Lamadeleine to discuss the issue. Mr. Staples and Mr. Lamadeleine estimated that between 5,000 and 8,000 people commute from each of their towns to Ottawa to work each day.
Following the meeting, Mr. Patton said it's clear there's a great deal of support for establishing the network, and that the municipalities need to act as a group.

Mr. Patton said the mayor sees the network as a true economic generator for the area, and that if political will for the network can be mustered at all levels of government, it wouldn't take too much work to get it running.

He said this is because rail lines already connect the towns with the city, stations are already built, no major studies need to be done and the cost of the network could be quite reasonable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

Can you tell there is an election coming and the money bags start opening, old Dolt's trying to buy your vote, fat chance.

On a positive note I do beleive that the commuter rail link will benifit the town.