Monday, July 23, 2007

Can somebody let Parks Canada know ..

that if the Beckwith Street bridge is closed for a parade and they close the Abbout Street bridge to let a few really rich folks through .... there is only one bridge left for Smiths Falls between Kilmarnock and Rideau Ferry (30 kms)??

Seems they can't figure it out.

I happened to be stuck in the ensuing chaos on Hwy 15 S after they did this on Saturday .... praying hard emergency service vehicles didn't need to get through.


Back in the fold ...

After a hellish two weeks at work and another spent doing about half of all those jobs at home I've been procrastinating about for the last two years ....

I'm back.

On the personal side, we hosted a party Saturday night for 60 of our closest family and friends .... the weather was great, drink was flowing and an exellent time was had by all !!! A special thanks in order to 2nd Smiths Falls Scouts for the use of the AWESOME tent.

Fortunately greivous injury was avoided after oil from the fryers spilled out all over both of my feet. Fortunately I was busy with other tasks and the temperature had dropped to 220 deg from the usual 350 ....

Friday, July 6, 2007

Commuter rail gathering steam !!

Word comes today that Ol'Dolt is interested in funding the venture ...

"This government is in the transit business," said Mr. Watson, who is also the province's health promotion minister.

"We're excited about the vision, and now we want to see the details. We're anxious to see a shovel in the ground."

Show us the money, Dolt .. and let's get this going.

On Thursday, Mr. O'Brien met with Smiths Falls Mayor Dennis Staples and Casselman Mayor Conrad Lamadeleine to discuss the issue. Mr. Staples and Mr. Lamadeleine estimated that between 5,000 and 8,000 people commute from each of their towns to Ottawa to work each day.
Following the meeting, Mr. Patton said it's clear there's a great deal of support for establishing the network, and that the municipalities need to act as a group.

Mr. Patton said the mayor sees the network as a true economic generator for the area, and that if political will for the network can be mustered at all levels of government, it wouldn't take too much work to get it running.

He said this is because rail lines already connect the towns with the city, stations are already built, no major studies need to be done and the cost of the network could be quite reasonable.

Monday, July 2, 2007

What's the native issue all about ?

Answers can be found in this superb opinion piece from Randall Denley of the Citizen.

Take as an example the Algonquin claim to ownership of pretty much all of Eastern Ontario, including Parliament Hill. It rests on the idea that the ancestors of today's Algonquins once roamed through this territory, although there was no concept of land ownership in the European sense.

The Eastern Ontario Algonquins know there isn't much good Crown land left in this part of the province. They will be perfectly happy to compromise and accept cash. And who are these Algonquins seeking fairness and justice? They are a group of about 5,500 people. Perhaps 10,000 will ultimately be identified. To qualify, one can have as little as one-eighth Algonquin blood.

Toronto lawyer Bob Potts, who represents the "Algonquins," says any money they receive will help to "maintain their Algonquin-ness." One might debate how much Algonquin-ness a person with one native ancestor three generations back has.

....we're paying to settle land ownership claims for people who didn't own land. If the key concept is taking aboriginal land without compensation, we should remember that the home territory of various bands fluctuated, depending on the aggressive tendencies of other Indian groups. When will we have a commission to investigate the inequity of the Iroquois taking land that once belonged to the Hurons and compensate the distant descendants of those Huron people?

Congratulations to the approximately 550,000 native people who live off reserve, just like ordinary people. They've realized it's the 21st century, not the 18th. Maybe they can spread the word.

Canada Day turns tragic ...

for a Smiths Falls family.

The Ontario Provincial Police say a 17 month old Smiths Falls girl is dead after being mauled by a dog last night.

Police say the youngster was apparently attacked after she approached the family dog, a 10 year old Rottweiler-German Shepherd mix who was chained in the family's back yard. Her parents rushed her to the Smiths Falls Hospital, and she was later airlifted to C.H.E.O in Ottawa, but she died of her injuries late last night.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Happy Canada Day !

The annual Canada Day flotilla today .... an event on our lake that has grown to 25 boats in three years.... loads of fun !

Even the spectators get in on the action !

Now ... we won "best boat" last year, so the pressure was on to "retain the crown".... this years entry.

Did we win ??? Shit, no .... outdone by "little Miss Canada" .... BITCH !!! ;-)

Next year, I'm gonna have bikinis !

.... and Stompin' Tom.