Friday, March 23, 2007

Successful Sympatico migration

Very happy to report that my set-up package did indeed arrive as promised today, and the installation & set-up of the modem and wireless router went off almost without a hitch !!

My speeds are as promised in the 1 Mb range, or about 150 Kbps. Compare this to dial-up, at best 56 K or 5 kbps, and you have one happy man !


Anonymous said...

what end of the township do you live in? I got all excited and phones Sympatico, and they said maybe by the end of summer for me. :-(


Mike said...

I'll narrow it down this far ... I live on pavement about 3.5 km's from town.... As I understand it, DSL can reach about 5 km's from the Central Office (Russell St.).

On the high speed not ... there is a technology coming, that will have coverage in the Township, that is blow your mind fast ... like 10x faster than DSL... it works, I've seen it in action. 2008 possibly ??

Glad to see you stopped in ....

Mike said...

Also .... keep bugging Sympatico. I've called every couple months for 5 years, and encouraged my neighbours to do so ... they will be more inclined to spend $$ upgrading the network if they know they have subscribers ready and waiting.