Friday, April 11, 2008

Ontario HRC goes after the small fish

Fresh off a stunning victory in the trial-without-a-trial of the century against Mark Steyn and Macleans last week and the subsequent public pee-pee wacking, Barbara Hall and the OHRC turned their attention to a much more sinister enemy:

The Ontario Rural Redneck.

Ya had to know it was gonna happen.

(Westport Mayor Bill Thake) met with Hall nearly three weeks ago and was reassured by her that comments she made last fall did not mean to imply that Westport is a racist community.

But read the preliminary OHRC report into some assaults last summer on Asian anglers in cottage country and it'll leave you wondering if a single .. even one .. person of Asian descent has ever successfully integrated into the way of life that exists outside the ultimate uber-urban metropolis that is the GTA.

Until you start thinking about the individuals you know that have: and succeeded quite nicely, thanks so very much. I can think of better than 30 that I would consider friends; from the Vietnamese boat people that were welcomed to the area in the late 70's (including some to my elementary school) to a friends recent adoption from China. Never, ever, not once, have any of them complained to me of being subjected to racism. That tells me something.

Mrs. Hall and the OHRC : Screw off, you and your klan of kronie kommissars are making this krap worse.

If some idiots are assaulting people for no reason, that's the job of the OPP.

If some idiots are flouting conservation laws , then that's the job of the MNR.

And if both these authorities have the tools and resources necessary to do their respective jobs, and can be seen doing them, I can guarantee this would not be an issue.

One more reason to scrap the HRC's .... trumped up bullshit.

1 comment:

thomson2008 said...

I think it's very important for those of us engaged in anti-racism efforts to ensure the tactics we use, the approaches that we take, are consistent with respect for the liberal values of the Charter of Rights, of the Canadian constitutional framework, of our democratic parliamentary institutions," Mr. Kenney told the crowd of about 100.
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