Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It just keeps getting worse ...

According to a draft consultant's report it may be more cost effective to demolish the sprawling 880,000-square-foot provincially owned Rideau Regional Centre than try to remodel it for another use.

After that ... what's left ? Ya got it, a bunch 'o' farm land.


RELATED: The Reckless keeps it's head in the sand ... check out the "opposite" editorial this week.

"Smiths Falls is a progressive, forward thinking town"

Uh huh.

A $2.5M loan in the works to finance the remainder of the new rink .. taking the Town to the limit of its ability to service debt ... and we need to "embrace" it. To me, that's decidedly regressive and backward.



Anonymous said...

I know we don't agree on the core issue here, (wink :-) but I say, renovate the existing rink and put that money towards the long awaited, but never to become reality, indoor swimming pool!!

Mike said...

Well, I'd use a pool more often. But, given the situation I couldn't get behind that, either.

If you were about to get laid-off, would you go to the bank and finance an exotic trip around the world ? I know that wouldn't be my strategy for dealing with the situation. Borrow to go back to school, maybe, but a luxury ? Nope.

I know we diasgree on the rink issue, but I have to say .. it's nice to debate it civilally, and to actually have each other consider the other side of the coin. That hasn't happened in my offline discussions with others regarding this issue. Most people just clam up if they don't agree.

Anonymous said...

I agree,,IT is nice to discuss an issue with no one having to win each particular round. LOL!

And nope. I sure wouldn't be spending on luxury if I was about to be laid off, but the government is going to be giving out large "presents" anyway, it seems. (out of OUR pockets **Wink**) If I was to choose, I would not Junk a building that could be renovated. Especially one that has had roof work in the recent years as well as new boards installed. Just take care of it!! I would spend the money more wisely than that. Oh well...I don't get to choose. :-)